About My Teachers


I humbly offer my respect and gratitude to my teachers, great luminaries with whom I have either had the opportunity to sit in their presence and learn Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis and treatment or from whom I have learned from their writings and teachings.

- Dr. Lictenfeld

“Life (ayu) is the combination (samyoga) of body, senses, mind, and reincarnating soul. Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life, beneficial to humans both in this world and the world beyond.”

 – Charaka

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the renowned Vedic scholar, and teacher introduced the Transcendental Meditation technique to the West over 50 years ago.

Beginning in the late 1970s Maharishi turned his attention to the revival of Ayurveda, the ancient Vedic science of health care. He gathered around him the greatest Ayurvedic physicians of our age and inspired them to properly interpret the vast body of Ayurvedic knowledge they had inherited from the original Rishis (seers) of the Vedic tradition. He also encouraged medical specialists in the various disciplines of modern medicine to collaborate in this scientific restoration of Ayurveda.

This modern formulation of Ayurveda re-establishes its original focus on the preeminent importance of consciousness and mind-body balance in creating health.

“The great thing about Ayurveda is that its treatments always yield side benefits, not side effects.”

– Shubhra Krishan

Dr. Brihaspati Dev Triguna

Dr. B.D. Triguna is considered the foremost authority in the area of pulse diagnosis and in the use of minerals and herbs for bringing imbalance back into balance. Just by feeling the pulse, he can tell the past health history of a person and what could happen to that person’s health in the future. And based on that pulse diagnosis he will recommend taking certain herbs or products and making certain changes in diet. In this way, he helps people bring balance into their life.

A famous doctor in India, Dr. Triguna has served as the president of the All-India Ayurvedic Congress and as the personal vaidya to the prime president of India. In 2003 Dr. Triguna received the second highest civilian honor from the government of India, the Padma Vibhushan Award.

“Because we cannot scrub our inner body we need to learn a few skills to help cleanse our tissues, organs, and mind. This is the art of Ayurveda.”

– Sebastian Pole

Vaidyacharya Dr. Jaya Ramanuja Raju

A world-renowned expert in Nadi Vigyan; outstanding knower of the utilization of ayurvedic herbs; Medical Director of the Khosla MAV Hospital, New Delhi, India

“The Ayurvedic route to great health involves two simple steps: Doing less and Being more.”

– Shubhra Krishan

Vaidya R. K. Mishra

Vaidya R. K. Mishra is an Ayurvedic health practitioner, product formulator, researcher, and educator, born into a family of Raj Vaidyas that boasts a 5000-year history of healing. His in-depth theoretical knowledge of the classical ayurvedic texts is accompanied by his unparalleled compassionate practical healing skills.

“Ayurveda teaches us to cherish our innate-nature “to love and honor who we are”, not as what people think or tell us, “who we should be.”

– Prana Gogia

Vaidya Manohar Palakurthi